Not even close to random deal. The very first hand I played there was a royal flush. Next 2 hands were 4 ok a kind, 4th hand was straight flush 5th hand was 4 of a kind again 6th hand was flush 7th hand was full house. 8th hand was a straight. The odds for those 8 hands to be in a row with a random deal are off the charts. Not to mention I had 3 more four of a kind hands within the next 15 hands. Along with more big hands. Its clear that the game simply picks a certain player to be the winner before the hand is delt. But you also can be bluffed out of best hand. Thats what makes it seem random. Dont fold a single hand and you will see players pull off amazing odds time and time again. Its not by chance. Its by choice. You can have the best hand pre flop every hand and still never win a single hand. Watch and notice that worst hand wins 80% of the pots. App prides itself in bad beats. Favors the chaser for sure. So you will notice people raise with the worst hands all day long and win. First sign of this is that the game rewards "type"of play. With "accomplishments". App also rewards your play with better cards and wins. Watch closely people. App is purley there to beat you out of your chips folks. So you will buy more. They dont make money if you play only free chips. I hate companies they pride themselves in deception of the people
Muzac man about
Zynga Poker ™ - Texas Hold'em, v21.19